
The Church was built in 1925, the Society formerly meeting at Warminster Road, behind the then butchers shop and freemasons premises. The present building has a beautiful high arch shaped ceiling, which enhances the singing of the congregation. This with the movable chairs and Pulpit makes the Church building suitable for many different events. For example a quiz evening is often held in the Autumn followed by supper, invitations are sent to all the Churches in the town, and a good response is generally made.
The church is located at:
Station Road |
Westbury |
Wiltshire |
BA13 3JL |
The Church is situated on the B3097 (Station Road) off the A350 and opposite Eastleigh Court (formerly the location of the surgery) and has a car park to the side.
Times of services
Services take place at 10.30am and 6pm every Sunday. Coffee and tea follow the morning service. The evening service is held jointly with the Church of England, meeting at the Methodist Church in the Winter and the Parish Church in the Summer. Easter and Christmas services are held with the United Reformed Church. Our Church also has a Prayer Circle which is appreciated by members of the congregation.
Unfortunately we do not have a Junior Church at the moment, but if young people do attend a service an effort is made to accommodate them.
The building is used by many local organisations including Pre-school, Brownies, Local History Group, Heritage Society, Shapes Slimming Group, Westbury Area Link Scheme, Beekeepers, and Westbury Choral Society who rehearse in the Church and hold concerts there.
Two buildings and one people: the story of Methodism in Westbury
Revd Ward Jones has recently produced a 30 page illustrated history of Westbury Methodist Church entitled “Two buildings and one people – the story of Methodism in Wiltshire”
Copies can be ordered from Ward at a cost of £5 plus £1 for postage and packing.
Cheques should be made payable to ‘The Methodist Church, Westbury’.
Proceeds go to church funds.
Copies will be available from awardjones@wiltsunitedchurches.org.uk
There is currently an Area Ministerial Vacancy for the pastoral responsibility for Westbury Methodist, Westbury URC, Warminster United and Steeple Ashton Methodist Churches
Key people
Contact | Mrs Julie Vince |
Treasurer | Mr Tom Shaw |