Melksham United Church



Melksham Methodist Church and Melksham United Reformed Church combined some 40 years ago along with other churches in the Mid-Wilts United Area.  In 2009 Mid-Wilts and West Wilts United Areas merged.  See details on the Home Page.  We are located in Melksham High Street in the centre of the town opposite Lloyds Bank and adjacent to the King’s Arms.  There is parking behind the church, accessed through an archway, 20 metres to the left of the church.

The United Church building  was originally built as a Methodist church in 1872 and has an impressive frontage with giant Corinthian columns beneath a large pediment – and with Italiante decorations carved round the door.   The building is Grade II listed.  When the two denominations united the Methodist buildings were retained and the URC building sold, becoming the Rachel Fowler Community Centre.

A survey of the building revealed that substantial work was required to restore the roof and this was completed in July 2005, at a cost in excess of £22,000.  More recently the church has completed a comprehensive refurbishment project. Although complicated by its listed building status, the plans were all approved and a robust programme of fund-raising  was undertaken, substantial grants were generously donated by LANDFILL, the Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church and several other charitable institutions.

The finished building retains a peaceful and welcoming atmosphere with an added flexibility of use and modern technology. The entire area is available for hire (see below) and a warm welcome is given to our regular charitable users and all who come to the church for Worship.

The church is also, of course, available for all your spiritual needs from weddings, christenings and funerals and for more details of these please contact the minister. 

In a world of busyness and stress we seek to offer a sanctuary of peace and hope through our worship, our welcome and our offers of practical help. We are an inclusive fellowship where all are welcome and everyone is given a seat and a voice.


The church is located at:

High Street
SN12 6JU


In Melksham High Street in the town centre, opposite Lloyds Bank and adjacent to the Kings Arms.  There is car parking behind the church for up to 12 cars, accessed through an archway 20 metres left of the church in Watson’s Court. .

Times of services

Our Church meet at 10:30am with Junior Church as arranged

Junior Church

If your child / children are not currently attending Church activities and you would like them to find out more about what it means to be a Christian. Staff, have a variety of fun activities day-to-day Christian living designed to support their understanding and increase their knowledge of what the Bible holds.

  • We are sensitive to the needs of different ages and abilities.

  • Staff undergo appropriate safeguarding checks and training.

  • There is no charge for the children to attend.

  • The sessions last from 10.30-11.30 while the Service takes place. You are welcome to just turn up with your children or to contact Mrs Nina Austin, Leader, for more information on 01225 705866.

  • Do come along any Sunday. Activities at tables in Church are also provided for children during the Service and an area for toddlers to play.


Hall lettings

The Minister

This is the minister, Revd Dr Peggy Kabonde

She can be contacted at or on 01225 707740

She has pastoral responsibility for Melksham United/Whitley and Bradford-on-Avon



Other key people

MinisterRevd Dr Peggy Kabonde
TreasurerMrs Val Asselbrough
Church SecretaryMrs Pamela Packer
Church CouncilRevd Dr Peggy Kabonde, Mrs P Packer, Mr M Packer, Mrs G De’ath, Mr M Elliott, Mrs V Harrold, Mrs P Samm